Here at You Are Company, we are...

Fostering a supportive community

Through social media, we work to start and engage in meaningful mental health-centered discussions as well as providing informational graphics, resources, and inspirational messages. With thousands of friends participating in the conversation, we can't wait to see where this takes us.

Find us on Instagram

Expanding mental health resources

We create FREE downloadable resources for teens and young adults. In the next five years, we will distribute modern mental health curriculums that are adaptable and engaging to students nationwide.

Visit our Resource Center

Designing affirming clothing

Our fun, unique designs are the additions you didn't know you needed to your wardrobe. All with our positive and encouraging mental health messages, wearing your item shares its message with the world. We pride ourselves in our growing size range, worldwide shipping, and commitment to eco-friendly packaging.

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  • 2020

    I started You Are Company during the pandemic when I found a lot of extra time on my hands. I always knew I wanted to start a business, and the time spent at home gave me the opportunity to dedicate time to start-up operations.

  • 2021 / 2022

    Last year, You Are Company grew more than ever. We grew our team, expanded our product line, and optimized our fulfillment to get your orders our faster! We worked on new partnerships and fostered connections with so many of you through our community.

  • 2023

    Today, we're focusing efforts on our Make People Feel Loved movement as we continue our push for more available and accessible mental health resources (oh...and can't forget...cute clothes too). We can't wait to see what the future holds!

Meet Our Founder

I'm the 19-year-old behind the brand. Not only do I have a love for iced coffee (call me basic), warm weather, and bright colors (if you can't tell), I have a passion for mental health. I founded You Are Company during my own trials with mental illness, becoming incredibly passionate about the cause.

As I went through my struggles with mental health, something became very apparent: not all teens have productive conversations about mental health that could save lives. The education systems aren't there; neither is the support availability. That's what You Are Co. is funding with our products: affordable, available, and adaptable mental health curricula for schools and homes around the nation. We've got a long way to go, and it's worth it.

Until then, we're going to keep fostering communities of support and love for teens about mental health. With thousands in our community already, I can't wait to see where this goes. We can be besties, right? I'm for sure feeling the vibes. Let's be friends on Instagram fo-sure.